Thursday, November 11, 2010

Cliques...Why Do They Exist?

Earlier today (or should I say yesterday since it's past midnight) I decided to read 1 Corinthians 12 while I was in the prayer shed. Verses 12 to 31 talk about unity and diversity in the body. "Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ...Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many."

I know that God gave each of us different gifts. I even remember during Jesus Culture how one of the speakers talked about how denominations should exist because there's no way anyone can get it perfect. Each denomination may get some things right and some things wrong. Even with differences, we should still be united and love each other as we all love Jesus and believe he died on the cross for us. Still, why are we separated into cliques? This is something I wonder sometimes...especially when people mention their existence.

It's funny how I read it earlier in the afternoon, then later at night Katie Klezek brought that part up in a conversation. She asked me if I noticed how everyone is separated into cliques since I tend to hang out at both the Plex and Jesus Burgers house a lot. I love visiting both a lot. They have different things to offer. It is kind of like how I go to two completely different churches back home or how I go to both Reality and IVC here in Santa Barbara. To be honest, I feel like I have noticed the cliques. Sometimes I will hear people from IVC talk about how uncomfortable they feel about Real Life or how Real Life people do not want to go to IVC because it is not their thing.

Even if you don't feel comfortable going to the other, shouldn't you still love on them if they visit? I recently noticed how whenever I go to Real Life, how the IVC students will separate into their little group in the back left corner. In the same way, I noticed how there aren't that many Real Life people who help out at Jesus Burgers and when they do come, they only talk to certain people. I find that kind of sad, "kind of" being an understatement.

I realize that Real Life is supposed to be a group to reach out to newer Christians or non-Christians, so people who are stronger in their faith may not feel like they grow from growing. I also realize that IVC may be too "intense" for people who don't normally attend just because of the way they operate. However, those aren't very good reasons to not talk to each other very much.

I don't want you to think I'm judging you right now, nor do I want you to think I'm trying to guilt trip you to going to the other more. I'm just saying you should still respect the other functions you are not a part of, and love on the people if you happen to see them at your thing or even outside. Invite people you don't normally talk to to coffee or dinner or something. Get to know them better. Verse 27 says, "Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it."

I want you to know that as a brother in Christ, I love you. No matter how differently you live out your faith, I love you. Even if you aren't a believer, I love you. I dislike cliques, and that's why I choose to love on everyone.

Until next time,


  1. Well said and constructed Kenneth. This is definitely something I've been working on this past month. God's been faithful and just. I think the only way to really get this down is servanthood. Even if it's just listening. Really what's been helping me is just praying for people... I'm not your avid prayer for others but as I've made it more of an effort some walls surrounding my heart have been breaking down. Hopefully this 2AM comment is somewhat well constructed lol. Your an encouragement Kenneth - btw [in other knews let me know how that one thing you asked me to pray about is going CHYEAH]

  2. Kenneth. You're so great, seriously. Keep loving Jesus as well as you are. Thanks for being so open and loving with everyone you come into contact with. I'll be praying that God continues revealing these truths to you.


  3. Ah, cliques. Our class struggled with it, too. How do you have deep relationships and groups of friends without being exclusive?

    I honestly think that what's most needed is a collective willingness to step away from what's comfortable. Seriously - a lot of the time, it's a simple matter of facing the awkwardness. I daresay that's one of the biggest reasons RL keeps doing BOTA every year - it forces people work together.

    And I can see that you and your class are continually trying to reach outside of yourselves, and that's rad. So keep it up, brother! :)
